Thursday, October 15, 2015


Before anything else, I'd like all of you to know that I'm writing this with a heavy heart. I know it's been awhile since I posted something on here but this person is worth my time and deserves a new post. 

Last Saturday, October 10, I opened my Facebook and the very first thing I saw was a photo of Gerry Katigbak with a caption "Requiescat in Pace Guillermo "Gerry" Maralit Katigbak May 3, 1952 - October 10, 2015".. Being not a Latin speaker, I knew already what it meant. I was like "Nope! This isn't true! This is probably just a joke or a hoax!" I checked his Facebook timeline and there were too many "RIP Gerry Katigbak". So it must be true! I paused for a minute and at the back of my mind I was like "No. He isn't dead!" then a tear just fell from my eye. No.. No.. NO. I was trying to convince myself not to believe it but.. It's real. You just left us. I keep asking "Why did you have to go?" It was just like a couple of months ago when I had a conversation with him through Facebook comments. Here's exactly how our conversation went:

"Hey Gerry K! Missing the good old days. Let's have a reunion soon with the rest of LCI peeps!"
"Sure! It'll be great."
"But I don't know where everybody is, so it will probably take long."
"I know! I will see you all soon."
"Yay! See you soon Gerry K!" 

I never thought that it would be our last conversation. I was really looking forward to see him and the rest of my classmates. It's been nearly 10 years. Wait, what?! 10 years?! Feels like it's been forever! I already had plans in mind but for some reasons, I wasn't sure if it's possible since I don't know where on earth my other classmates are. I can't even find some of them on Facebook! Damn it! Had I known it won't happen anymore, I should have just visited him at his shop or invited him out to grab some coffee and catch up. But I know he's a very busy person so I don't know if it's possible either.

Remembering way back during LCI (Lasalle College International) days, to be completely honest, he was indeed my favorite mentor. At first, I was intimidated by him because.. C'mon! It's Gerry Katigbak! He was indeed one of the greatest Fashion Designers in the country and it felt like it was a dream come true when I found out that he would be one of our mentors. I was pretty scared at first because I really didn't know how he was like as a mentor and I had no idea what to expect too. All of the doubts and uncertainties in my mind were gone after our first day of class. He was surprisingly nice not just to me but to all of us. I felt like he was just a friend sharing his talents. When I got home, I was like "Was it really Gerry Katigbak I was talking to???!!!" Everything was so surreal. 

As time and days passed by, the relationship we had with him just got better and better. What I loved about our classes with him was we got to have fun and at the same time we're learning a lot from him. He wasn't just a mentor, but he was also a friend. A friend that you could count on whenever you're feeling down, and he was just a text away. He was the type of person who wouldn't take the problems seriously, he would simply make fun of it. He loved to play jokes that's why there was never a dull moment with him. Whenever he would notice we were all stressed out and we're having a hard time, he would say "Tara! Yosi muna tayo!" (Let's go smoke first) And sometimes when we were feeling hungry and were so lazy to eat outside, we'd simply ask him "Gerry K, can we eat here?" and without a doubt he would say "Sure! I'll join you guys." So we'd buy food nearby and eat during classes. I thought it was cool. I remembered there was one time, we went to the mall and he saw this woman wearing something unusual, he said "Ay ang chaka!" HAHAHA! I guess that's the down side of being a Fashion Designer, you get to notice every little detail on someone's clothes. That didn't mean he was being rude though, I guess he just wanted to make us laugh. 

I've done few fashion shows with him being the director and I will remember that for the rest of my life. Our graduation was of course, directed by the one and only Gerry Katigbak. I always thought "Napaka swerte ko naman at nakasama ko ang isang Gerry Katigbak." It was really a pleasure working with him and knowing him. Who didn't love working with him by the way? I'm pretty sure even the models loved working with him. He was such an incredible person and sometimes he could be so unbelievable. His ideas were... Uhmm.. BRILLIANT! Sometimes I wonder how the hell did he do that! I can't find the exact words to describe how talented and bright he was. I am indeed very lucky and BLESSED that once in my life, I have met someone like him. That once in my life, I have worked with THE GERRY KATIGBAK.

Gerry K! I know you won't be able to read this anymore but I just wanna say THANK YOU VERY MUCH for all the things you have done for me. Thank you for believing in my talent when I didn't even believe in myself. Thank you for all the things you have taught me. Thank you for you were not selfish to share your talents. Thank you for being incredibly nice to me. Thank you for all the good memories that I will treasure for the rest of my life. It's been almost a week now since you left, but I am still in shock. I can't believe you're gone. I can't believe it. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT. I know you're happy now with Him. If you're not busy up there, please do visit me in my dreams. You will be missed. Fly high Gerry K! We've lost a great Fashion Designer but the heaven just gained a very talented, nice & funny angel. Know that you were such an inspiration to a lot of people. Believe it or not, I wished I had your talents.  There are more things I wanna write here but I can't hold back my tears anymore. Good bye my friend, my kababayan! Until we meet again. WE LOVE YOU! ❤️

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Loki's Check Up

Earlier this morning, my dog had his check up (again) coz he was diagnosed with Kennel cough. I feel sorry for him, he's still a baby! (He just turned 2 months last November 7) Imagine how hard for it is for babies to have cough & colds. But the good side is, he's still SUPER hyper and he eats a lot.. :) Doctor said he doesn't have colds anymore and his cough is getting better. THANK GOD! Sigh of relief!!! But he still needs to take his medicines so he'll recover from it completely. 

Last week during his first check up, I almost cried when he got 3 injections. I really felt sorry and sad for him. If only I had a chance to have super powers, I'd choose something that would take away this thing from him RIGHT AWAY!!! My poor poor baby. :( So if you happen to read this, please do pray for my baby boy's quick recovery. I'll very much appreciate it. Thank you in advance! <3

Anyways, here are some of the pictures and videos I have taken earlier. :)

Ugh, Loki trying to bite the assistant's hand. It's not a toy baby! LOL

Dra. Manalo checking up on Loki.

Loki preffered to stand while being checked. Stubborn dog! :P

He moves a lot! -_-

My poor baby! :'(

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Loki's First Training

My baby boy Loki knows basic tricks already!!! I am so happy! He is indeed a fast learner. It just took him 10 minutes to memorize all these tricks. Aww, I am so in love with him! And by the way, he turns 2 months today. Happy 2nd month baby! I love you so much!!! <3

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

To one of the best Moms in the world..

"Being a full-time Mother is one of the highest paid jobs, since the payment is Pure Love." - Mildred Vermont

27 years ago, a woman gave birth to a healthy and beautiful baby girl :p and she was named after her Dad's favorite song plus her birth month! She did her best to raise her sons & her daughter with the help of of course, her husband. Being a working Mom is not an easy job! You are my Wonderwoman! It's one of the most challenging roles any Mom or parent would go through. And I salute all the Moms in the world who have been working so hard to give their kids the best things they could. On this very special day, I want to tell something and I want the whole world (Blogger, Twitter, Facebook world at least) about it because you deserve it! And just so you know, my mom and I are not really close to each other, I am honestly closer to my Dad. But I love them both in equal amounts! They are my PARENTS, without one, I wouldn't be where I am today.

I love you Mommy! I may not often show it or tell it to you, but believe me, I truly love you from the bottom of my heart. I would not be here if it was not for you. I may not know what you had to go through while you were still pregnant with me, but I will forever be thankful to you. They say the only way to repay your mother for all the sacrifices she did, is to become a mother, too...which I actually don't believe in. I will NEVER ever be able to repay you. My life is the best gift I have ever received from you, and from God.

I know we've had a few arguments before but no mother-daughter relationship is perfect. I am truly sorry for all the times I have shouted at you and for the times I became really impatient teaching you stuffs. I'm sorry for those times I disobeyed you, ignored your requests and your text messages, used your make ups/clothes without asking permission, complained how long you shopped, and etc. I'm sorry if I was not there at your side when you had a car accident 2 years ago. Leaving everything behind just to make sure you're okay was all worth it! And thank God you weren't that hurt. I'm so sorry, Mommy! I know I just have to understand that you're getting old already and I have to become more patient. :p And I know I don't have to ask for your forgiveness, because I am pretty sure you already have forgiven me. That's how wonderful and nice you are! 

Remember when you and dad had a huge fight way back? And you thought of leaving the house? Honestly, as a child I didn't know what to do, but all I knew was, I could not live without you so I had to ask help from other people to stop you from leaving. Dad even ran after me & stopped me when he saw me running to lolo and lola's house. It felt like a World War III. Dad was mad, you were mad, Kuya was mad that he even kicked a door, I was crying and was confused what to do, and I can't remember what Kim was doing, probably sleeping already. And did you know that I had to sleep near our main gate just to make sure you would not leave us?? And when I woke up the next day and saw you eating breakfast, I felt relieved somehow and almost convinced that you were not leaving us, ever..and I was right! Yay!!! Thank you for not leaving us, mommy! For some reason, I will never forget that day. It was a disaster! I can still picture out what the heck was happening. Hahaha! But that just showed how strong we are as a family and that a divorce/annulment is never a solution to any married couple's problem. And that just proved how you love each other! :)

Mommy, I know we don't have the best Mother-Daughter relationship but I am grateful, more blessed, that you are my Mom! Thank you for everything. Thank you for letting me be who and what I really wanted to be. Thank you for always being there for me 24/7. Thank for you for the endless support. Thank you for always cooking my favorite foods! Thank you for always shopping with me. And most of all, thank you for the unconditional love you're giving me and my brothers. But honestly? There is no way I can ever really thank you. Words may not describe how amazing you are, but you are truly amazing! One of the many things I really admire about you is, you are such a strong woman. You know so well how to stand on your feet and you know when to fight and when not to. You won't let anyone step on you and our family. You are such a fighter! I admire you a lot, and I really look up to you. I love you so much! You will always be my mom, who I love and wouldn't trade in for the world! HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!! 

I still love you even if you hate my cats!!! :)

A huge shout out to all the beautiful and amazing mothers in the world! Make sure to tell them how much you love them. Well, that should not be done just today, but every single day! 


Friday, April 27, 2012

60 Years of Great, Everlasting & True Love

Ever dearest Lolo and Lola,

You two are a beautiful example of a GREAT, EVERLASTING and TRUE love, teamwork and companionship. I have never seen such a beautiful couple in my entire life and both of you are the reason why I still believe that love can really last a lifetime. Thank you for being a great example of great marriage. I know neither of you two were perfect, but your marriage has been because you were able to stay together despite of each other's flaws and weaknesses. You guys will always be an inspiration to me because I want to have the kind of marriage you guys have.

I know I don't get to see both of you everyday, even though we're only 1 house apart, but every moment I spend with you is very memorable, whether it's just a quick visit to say "Hello" or a family get together with the Andals and Holgados. I have been blessed and many times I feel more blessed than most people here on earth for having such a wonderful grandparents and I will eternally be grateful for you two for giving me such an equally wonderful Mom! God perfectly knew what He was doing when He chose the two of you to be together. I love you Lolo and Lola for your big heart, kindess, thoughtfulness and your character. I know there are times I get so impatient and annoyed whenever I have to repeat myself and speak a little louder because you could not hear me, but it does not mean I don't love you, because I really do!

Lolo, I will always remember you as the protective father to my mom who once ran after my dad with a big knife on your hand because you were not in favor of their relationship! That story really makes me laugh and smile until now. And thank God my dad ran faster than you did. :p And for being such an animal lover like me. Well, I think I inherited that from you. And lola, I will never forget how mad you get whenever I say 'NO' when being offered something to eat, and of course, how huge John Lloyd Cru and Bea Alonzo fan you are! <3 I can't honestly see how you two could ever live apart. You have both been very special to me throughout my life and have particularly been so supportive throughout my career. THANK YOU SO MUCH LOLO AND LOLA! Words can't describe how thankful I am and I guess I will never ever be able to repay all the things you have done for me and my family. Thank you both so much!

You two are truly amazing and that's the reason why you two are loved by a lot of people! Seeing both of you suffer from some kind of illness really breaks my heart. How I really wish I could do something to take away all the pain, but all I could offer you are my LOVE, SUPPORT and PRAYERS. I am looking forward to a wonderful many more years with both of you. God is really good and I know He will give you longer life and more time to spend with us. I couldn't have asked for a better model of a healthy marriage than you two. And I couldn't have asked for better grandparents growing up with than you two. May you continue to share in a love that God gives us all. Congratulations on your 60th wedding anniversary! I definitely have one of the best grandparents in the whole world. I love you two so much! <3

Your granddaughter,

Taken December of last year during my grandfather's 87th birthday. A kiss from the lady of his life! I must say they're still truly madly in love with each other after 60+ years! <3

Just a colored version of the first photo. Taken during my Mom's birthday last September. They barely go out anymore because of their condition, but so glad to see them roaming around the mall (on wheelchairs) every once in a while!

At their backyard! Not sure when this was taken though. And yes, my Lolo is a certified animal lover, but my Lola is NOT! But I love how she still managed to pose with a goat beside her. :)

*Just a piece of advice: LOVE, appreciate and spend time with your grandparents while they're still alive and cherish every second you are with them. Tomorrow is not guaranteed, and one of the most common regrets people make is not being able to tell their love ones how much they love them. Always tell them and let them know how much you love them. My grandparents have done a great job, you know as they say "Any man/woman can be a father/mother, but it takes someone special to be a Dad/Mom." Again, HAPPY 60th Wedding Anniversary to my wonderful grandparents. Know that we will ALWAYS and FOREVER love you!!!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

TOP 5 Things I want to do before I DIE ♥

5. Meet Mark Read of A1 in real life!

4. Go bungee jumping!

3. Kiss John Lloyd Cruz on the lips! Hahaha!

2. Stay at the Vatican City for a week!

1. Go to MOON!!!

12 People I want to meet in HEAVEN ♥

10. Bruce Lee - I've always been a FAN although I was not even born yet when he died (1973). Everyone loves him! 

9. Benigno "Ninoy" Aquino, Jr. - For some of you who don't know who he was, well, he was a Filipino Senator and used to be Tarlac's Governor. He was assassinated in August 1983. I am not gonna discuss HISTORY here, but he was such a HERO! He saved a lot of Filipinos and we'll be eternally grateful for him.

8. Princess Diana - I don't know, I just want to meet her. Haha! For me, she was one of the most beautiful women ever existed. And I've always wanted to be a Princess! 

7. Pope John Paul II - I know I am NOT a religious person but ever since I was a kid, I had been dying to see him personally. And it sucks to be too far from where he lives, you know. ☹  He was one of the MOST influential leaders of all time! I cried a lot when he died in 2005!

6. Estrellita, Carmela and Jennifer Vizconde - I was only 6 years old when the Vizconde massacre happened. It breaks my heart that it's been almost 22 years now and they haven't received their JUSTICE. If I see them in heaven, I'd ask them who really killed them, and whoever that person was, he should be PUNISHED and he/she belongs to HELL!

5. Queen Victoria of United Kingdom - Duhh?! I strongly consider her as the MOST powerful woman in history!!! How I wish I could go back to that period when she was still alive! I admire her so much!

4. Dr. Maximino Andal - He was my great grandfather (my Mom's grandfather). Well, there's this "rumor" that he hid some "treasures" somewhere around his house and NO ONE knew where he put it. So, I wanna ask him where the "treasure" is. We're gonna be rich! Hahaha! :D and sorry, I do not have any photo of him! 

3. Lola Concepcion Holgado - He was my father's mom. She died the day before I graduated from Grade School. I admit I didn't like her and I hated her so much, but I know & I believe she was a good person. Raising 9 children was never easy and she tried her best to give them a good life. I admire her for that. I want to meet her because I want to make it up to her, and apologize for being such a brat while she was still alive. I know it's already late, but I know I will be given a chance soon. And my Dad misses her so much.

2. Lolo Crispin Holgado - He was the father of my Dad, husband of my Lola Concepcion. He died few days after my brother was born (March 1981), who is 4 years older than me. I heard a lot of good things about him and people have been telling me that he was such a nice and kind-hearted man. He was a very loving husband, father, grandfather and the list just goes on. I feel sad I never got the chance to meet him. I want to tell him that I love him! 

1. HACHIKO - I LOVE HIM!!! Okay. I know he's not a human, but he was capable of doing something even us, HUMANS, cannot do! Got to watch the movie several times already and it breaks my heart every time!!! Just the thought of him waited for his master to come back for 9 years really makes me cry. If I see him, I'd hug him really tight and tell him "It's okay, baby.." Aww! I love him! I love him! I LOVE HIM!!! 

Monday, January 23, 2012

What I want in a BOYFRIEND ♥

FUNNY - I think it's very important if your boyfriend or the guy you are dating with can make you laugh - even over shallow stuffs. I want someone who I won't get bored with. I am a very ADVENTUROUS person, so you can take me EVERYWHERE or we can do random stuffs together. Believe me, I'm cool!

TALENTED - I know I am NOT a very talented person, and maybe this is one of the reasons why talented boys catch my attention. He doesn't have to excell in everything, just knowing the fact that he has passion in something would make me fall in love with him more. But I am a sucker for boys who can SING and DANCE.

GOOD LISTENER - I want someone who is an active listener. I want someone who asks questions and doesn't just sit there and stare at my chest. In that way, I can feel that he's really INTERESTED in knowing me more and he pays attention.

FUN - I want someone who is an EXPLORER. I like it when a guy loves finding new things to do and places to go. He is willing to try anything new and he never shoots my ideas as being STUPID or consider it as not worth his time.

SUPPORTIVE - I want someone who will realize that I have dreams and goals and he will help me realize them. He is NOT off pouting because my "business" doesn't leave me much time for him. I want someone who will keep his self busy when I can't be with him and doesn't need the attention of another woman just because I am busy.

INTEGRATED - Integrity is HONESTY no matter what the circumstances are. If I ask him a question, I know that he is ALWAYS going to tell me the TRUTH no matter what he may lose. I believe that a man who has INTEGRITY is a man I can always rely on. He doesn't have to be a religious man who wakes up at 5 in the morning to go to church every sunday, yet he is AWARE of how DISHONESTY affects his inner man.

INTO ME - I want someone who is thrilled to have me in his life. He is fascinated by me and EVERYTHING about me. I want someone who will recognize my FLAWS as being a part of what makes me who I am. I want someone who will give me the freedom of who I want to be and because he accepts me, I instantly become a better person because of him.

THOUGHTFUL - Who loves being FORGOTTEN? A good morning texts always makes my day. It just feels great when I know I am being remembered.

LOYAL - I want someone who will always have my back even if he feels that I am wrong. He doesn't compromise his INTEGRITY, but he will STAND UP to anyone on my behalf because he won't let anyone HURT me.

ROMANTIC/SWEET - With this, he should understand that romance is NOT about MONEY but I like it when he buys small, meaningful gifts even if there is no special occasion. I like hearing the words "I LOVE YOU" all the time. Being romantic is remembering that it's your 6th month anniversary of the day you met.

Sunsets ♥

I am in love with SUNSETS. So, here are some of the photos I took during my trips. Enjoy! 

Sampaguita Beach

Sampaguita Beach

Sampaguita Beach

Lemery, Batangas

Tagaytay City

Sampaguita Beach

Sampaguita Beach


Tagaytay City

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Young Fashion Designers

I'd like to introduce to all of you my co-Fashion Designers at La Salle College International.

L-R: Isa Alvarez, Happy Andrada, Gio Dimalanta, Jendie Baez, Vandana Hardasani, Olivia Cruz, Jilla Sara, Samantha Ang, and yours truly.. This is an epic photo! Haha! Taken back in 2004 or 2005. I really am not sure!

L-R: Happy, Vandana, Me, Jendie, Kitin, Sam and Olive. Sitting: Gio and Isa

L-R: Isa, Happy, Gio, Jendie, Vandana, Olivia, Jilla, Sam & Sarah! 

I miss you guys!!!!

xoxo, Sarah